Isaac D. Schroeder
Alternate names I. D. Schroeder, Isaac Schroeder, Isaac D. Schroeder
Institution University of California, Santa Cruz
Past institutions University of California, Santa Cruz, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service Southwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory +3 more
H-index: 26
I10-index: 35
Works count: 48
Citations count: 2,127
Phenology of coastal upwelling in the California Current
2008 · Steven J. Bograd, Isaac D. Schroeder, et al. · Geophysical Research Letters
Habitat compression and ecosystem shifts as potential links between marine heatwave and record whale entanglements
2020 · Jarrod A. Santora, Nathan J. Mantua, et al. · Nature Communications
Changes in source waters to the Southern California Bight
2014 · Steven J. Bograd, Mercedes Pozo Buil, et al. · Deep Sea Research Part II Topical Studies in Oceanography