Fujirebio (Belgium)
Alternate name Innogenetics
Parent institution Fujirebio (Japan)
ROR: Yes
Works count: 788
Citations count: 58,020
Cerebrospinal fluid biomarker signature in Alzheimer's disease neuroimaging initiative subjects
2009 · Leslie M. Shaw, Hugo Vanderstichele, et al. · Annals of Neurology
Presence of an inducible HIV-1 latent reservoir during highly active antiretroviral therapy
1997 · Tae‐Wook Chun, Lieven Stuyver, et al. · Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Deficiency of presenilin-1 inhibits the normal cleavage of amyloid precursor protein
1998 · Bart De Strooper, Paul Säftig, et al. · Nature