Integrative analysis of prognosis data on multiple cancer subtypes
Year: 2014
Type: article
Abstract: Summary In cancer research, profiling studies have been extensively conducted, searching for genes/SNPs associated with prognosis. Cancer is diverse. Examining the similarity and difference in the gen... more
Source: Biometrics
Institutions University of Illinois Chicago, University of Iowa, Yale University, Center for Cancer Research, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics
Cites: 15
Cited by: 17
Related to: 10
FWCI: 0.523
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 80.38
Subfield: Molecular Biology
Domain: Life Sciences
Sustainable Development Goal Peace, justice, and strong institutions
Open Access status: green
Funders National Science Foundation, National Bureau of Statistics of China, National Institutes of Health
Grant IDS DMS1208225, 2012LD001, CA152301