Fourier–Stieltjes algebras and measure algebras on compact right topological groups
Year: 2014
Type: article
Abstract: Let G be an admissible compact Hausdorff right topological group, that is, a group with a Hausdorff topology such that for each a∈G, the map g↦ga is continuous, and the set of a∈G such that the map g↦... more
Source: Journal of Functional Analysis
Authors Anthony To‐Ming Lau, R. J. Loy
Institutions University of Alberta, Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University
Cites: 54
Cited by: 2
Related to: 10
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 42.82
Subfield: Mathematical Physics
Field: Mathematics
Domain: Physical Sciences
Open Access status: hybrid
APC paid (est): $2,560