Estimates for negative eigenvalues of a random Schrödinger operator
Year: 2008
Type: article
Abstract: where γ ≥ 0 for d ≥ 3, γ > 0 for d = 2 and γ ≥ 1/2 for d = 1. The estimate (1.1) is called the classical Lieb-Thirring inequality. One needs to remark that although for any V ∈ L the eigenvalue sum ∑ ... more
Authors Oleg Safronov, B. Vaĭnberg
Institution University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Cites: 22
Cited by: 5
Related to: 10
FWCI: 0.32
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 51.89
Subfield: Mathematical Physics
Field: Mathematics
Domain: Physical Sciences
Sustainable Development Goal Reduced inequalities
Open Access status: hybrid