On the Partial Differential Equations of Electrostatic MEMS Devices: Stationary Case
Year: 2007
Type: article
Abstract: We analyze the nonlinear elliptic problem $\Delta u =\frac{\lambda f(x)}{(1+u)^2}$ on a bounded domain Ω of $R^N$ with Dirichlet boundary conditions. This equation models a simple electrostatic micro‐... more
Authors Nassif Ghoussoub, Yujin Guo
Institution University of British Columbia
Cites: 27
Cited by: 165
Related to: 10
FWCI: 17.28
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 97.93
Subfield: Computational Theory and Mathematics
Field: Computer Science
Domain: Physical Sciences
Sustainable Development Goal Affordable and clean energy
Open Access status: green