A top-down survival mechanism during early marine residency explains coho salmon year-class strength in southeast Alaska
Year: 2009
Type: article
Authors Jacob J. LaCroix, Alex C. Wertheimer, Joseph A. Orsi, Molly V. Sturdevant, Emily Fergusson +1 more
Institutions National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
Cites: 78
Cited by: 21
Related to: 10
FWCI: 2.508
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 87.1
Subfield: Nature and Landscape Conservation
Field: Environmental Science
Domain: Physical Sciences
Sustainable Development Goal Life below water
Open Access status: closed