On the Nonlinear Matrix Equation X<sup>s</sup> + A<sup>*</sup>F(X)A = Q with S≥ 1
Year: 2013
Type: article
Abstract: This work is concerned with the nonlinear matrix equation X s + A * F (X)A = Q with s ≥ 1.Several sufficient and necessary conditions for the existence and uniqueness of the Hermitian positive semidef... more
Author Duanmei Zhou
Institution East China Normal University
Cites: 32
Cited by: 8
Related to: 10
FWCI: 0.571
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 79.44
Topic: Matrix Theory and Algorithms
Subfield: Computational Theory and Mathematics
Field: Computer Science
Domain: Physical Sciences
Open Access status: bronze