Multiplicative Noise Removal Based on the Linear Alternating Direction Method for a Hybrid Variational Model
Year: 2017
Type: article
Abstract: To preserve the edge, multiplicative noise removal models based on the total variation regularization have been widely studied, but they suffer from the staircase effect. In this paper, to preserve th... more
Institutions Henan University of Science and Technology, Shandong Youth University of Political Science, Xianyang Normal University
Cites: 31
Cited by: 1
Related to: 10
FWCI: 0.121
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 37.53
Subfield: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Field: Computer Science
Domain: Physical Sciences
Sustainable Development Goal Sustainable cities and communities
Open Access status: hybrid
APC paid (est): $2,400
Funders National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Grant IDS 61401383, 61301229, U1504603