Quasi-two-body decays B→D()[ρ(770),ρ(1450),ρ(1700)→]ππ in the perturbative QCD factorization approach
Year: 2017
Type: article
Abstract: In this paper, we studied the quasi-two-body $B_c \to D_{(s)} [ \rho(770),\rho(1450),\rho(1700) \to ] \pi \pi$ decays by employing the perturbative QCD (PQCD) factorization approach. The two-pion dist... more
Source: Nuclear Physics B
Authors Ai-Jun Ma, Ya Li, Zhen-Jun Xiao
Cites: 88
Cited by: 12
Related to: 10
FWCI: 1.074
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 65.74
Subfield: Nuclear and High Energy Physics
Field: Physics and Astronomy
Domain: Physical Sciences
Open Access status: diamond
Grant IDS 11235005, 11775117