Long‐term effects of short planning horizons for inventory routing problems
Year: 2021
Type: article
Abstract: This paper presents a detailed study concerning the importance of the planning horizon when solving inventory routing problems (IRPs). We evaluate the quality of decisions obtained by solving a finit... more
Authors Mohamed Ben Ahmed, Onyemaechi Linda Okoronkwo, Edwin Chimezie Okoronkwo, Lars Magnus Hvattum
Institution Molde University College
Cites: 41
Cited by: 5
Related to: 10
FWCI: 0.679
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 75.44
Subfield: Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Field: Engineering
Domain: Physical Sciences
Open Access status: hybrid
APC paid (est): $3,660
Funder Norges Forskningsråd
Grant ID 263031