Novel limbal dermoid surgery for visual acuity and cosmesis improvement: A 7-year retrospective review
Year: 2023
Type: article
Abstract: To report a long-term outcome of the novel combined surgical method of complete excision, corneal tattooing, and a sutureless limbal conjunctival autograft for limbal dermoid.All patients who were ref... more
Source: PLoS ONE
Institutions Jeju National University, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Myongji Hospital, Hanyang University
Cites: 16
Cited by: 4
Related to: 10
FWCI: 1.634
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 53.42
Subfield: Genetics
Domain: Life Sciences
Sustainable Development Goal Quality education
Open Access status: gold
APC paid (est): $1,805