John Swallow
Alternate names John Swallow, John R. Swallow, J. Swallow
Institution Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Past institutions Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Carthage College, Western University, Wellesley College, Bellevue College +5 more
H-index: 10
I10-index: 11
Works count: 65
Citations count: 559
Symmetric Functions Schubert Polynomials and Degeneracy Loci
2001 · Laurent Manivel, John Swallow
Galois module structure ofpth-power classes of extensions of degreep
2003 · Ján Mináč, John Swallow · Israel Journal of Mathematics
Galois embedding problems with cyclic quotient of orderp
2005 · Ján Mináč, John Swallow · Israel Journal of Mathematics