S. E. Ray
Alternate names S. Ray, Stephen E. Ray, Stephen Ray, S. E. Ray
Institution University of Minnesota System
Past institutions University of Minnesota System, University of Minnesota, DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory, United States Department of the Army
H-index: 8
I10-index: 8
Works count: 22
Citations count: 1,216
Incompressible flow computations with stabilized bilinear and linear equal-order-interpolation velocity-pressure elements
1992 · Tayfun E. Tezduyar, Sanjay Mittal, et al. · Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
SUPG finite element computation of compressible flows with the entropy and conservation variables formulations
1993 · G. J. Le Beau, S. E. Ray, et al. · Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
SUPG finite element computation of viscous compressible flows based on the conservation and entropy variables formulations
1993 · Shahrouz Aliabadi, S. E. Ray, et al. · Computational Mechanics