В. Д. Мазуров
Alternate names В. Д. Мазуров, V. D. Mazurov, Victor Mazurov, Victor D. Mazurov, Victor Danilovich Mazurov +1 more
Past institutions Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Novosibirsk State University, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences +2 more
H-index: 16
I10-index: 31
Works count: 100
Citations count: 1,178
Characterizations of finite groups by sets of orders of their elements
1997 · В. Д. Мазуров · Algebra and Logic
Unsolved problems in group theory. The Kourovka notebook. No. 18
2014 · В. Д. Мазуров, E. I. Khukhro · arXiv (Cornell University)
Recognition of alternating groups of prime degree from their element orders
2000 · А. С. Кондратьев, В. Д. Мазуров · Siberian Mathematical Journal