Cristiano Villa
Alternate names C. Villa, Cristiano Villa
Institution Duke Kunshan University
Past institutions Duke Kunshan University, Newcastle University, Politecnico di Milano, University of Milan, University of Kent +5 more
H-index: 8
I10-index: 5
Works count: 58
Citations count: 199
Objective Prior for the Number of Degrees of Freedom of a t Distribution
2014 · Cristiano Villa, Stephen G. Walker · Bayesian Analysis
An Objective Approach to Prior Mass Functions for Discrete Parameter Spaces
2014 · Cristiano Villa, Stephen G. Walker · Journal of the American Statistical Association
Objective priors for the number of degrees of freedom of a multivariate t distribution and the t-copula
2018 · Cristiano Villa, Francisco J. Rubio · Computational Statistics & Data Analysis