Atanas Stefanov
Alternate names Atanas Stefanov, Atanas G. Stefanov, A. Stefanov
Institution University of Alabama at Birmingham
Past institutions University of Alabama at Birmingham, University of Kansas, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Carnegie Hall, Syracuse University +2 more
H-index: 23
I10-index: 43
Works count: 168
Citations count: 1,630
L^p bounds for singular integrals and maximal singular integrals with rough kernels
1998 · Loukas Grafakos, Atanas Stefanov · Indiana University Mathematics Journal
Asymptotic behaviour of small solutions for the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger and Klein–Gordon equations
2005 · Atanas Stefanov, P. G. Kevrekidis · Nonlinearity
On the well-posedness of the wave map problem in high dimensions
2003 · Andrea R. Nahmod, Atanas Stefanov, et al. · Communications in Analysis and Geometry