Wolfgang Belzig
Alternate names W. Belzig, Wolfgang Belzig
Institution University of Konstanz
Past institutions University of Konstanz, University of Basel, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Technical University of Munich +5 more
H-index: 50
I10-index: 148
Works count: 404
Citations count: 7,879
Quasiclassical Green’s function approach to mesoscopic superconductivity
1999 · Wolfgang Belzig, Frank K. Wilhelm, et al. · Superlattices and Microstructures
Local density of states in a dirty normal metal connected to a superconductor
1996 · Wolfgang Belzig, Christoph Bruder, et al. · Physical review. B, Condensed matter
Benzenedithiol: A Broad-Range Single-Channel Molecular Conductor
2011 · Young-Sang Kim, Torsten Pietsch, et al. · Nano Letters