Arzu Özel
Alternate names A. Ozel, Arzu Ozel, Arzu Özel
Institution Karadeniz Technical University
Past institutions Karadeniz Technical University, Harran University, Zirve University, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University
H-index: 25
I10-index: 45
Works count: 71
Citations count: 1,541
Tyrosinase inhibition by some flavonoids: Inhibitory activity, mechanism by in vitro and in silico studies
2018 · Didem Şöhretoğlu, Suat Sarı, et al. · Bioorganic Chemistry
Discovery of potent α-glucosidase inhibitor flavonols: Insights into mechanism of action through inhibition kinetics and docking simulations
2018 · Didem Şöhretoğlu, Suat Sarı, et al. · Bioorganic Chemistry
α-Glucosidase inhibitory effect of Potentilla astracanica and some isoflavones: Inhibition kinetics and mechanistic insights through in vitro and in silico studies
2017 · Didem Şöhretoğlu, Suat Sarı, et al. · International Journal of Biological Macromolecules