Walter Schachermayer
Alternate names W. Schachermayer, Walter Schachermayer
Institution University of Vienna
Past institutions University of Vienna, Stanford University, London School of Economics and Political Science, ETH Zurich, Roche (Switzerland) +5 more
H-index: 52
I10-index: 126
Works count: 334
Citations count: 14,100
A General Version of the Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing (1994)
2008 · Freddy Delbaen, Walter Schachermayer · Springer eBooks
A general version of the fundamental theorem of asset pricing
1994 · Freddy Delbaen, Walter Schachermayer · Mathematische Annalen
The asymptotic elasticity of utility functions and optimal investment in incomplete markets
1999 · Dmitry Kramkov, Walter Schachermayer · The Annals of Applied Probability