Mattia Talpo
Alternate name Mattia Talpo
Institution University of Pisa
Past institutions University of Pisa, Institute for Advanced Study, Imperial College London, Simon Fraser University, University of Münster +5 more
H-index: 7
I10-index: 4
Works count: 39
Citations count: 150
Infinite root stacks and quasi-coherent sheaves on logarithmic schemes
2018 · Mattia Talpo, Angelo Vistoli · Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
Deformation theory from the point of view of fibered categories
2010 · Mattia Talpo, Angelo Vistoli · arXiv (Cornell University)
Kato–Nakayama spaces, infinite root stacks and the profinite homotopy type of log schemes
2017 · David Carchedi, Sarah Scherotzke, et al. · Geometry & Topology