Amin Motamedinasab
Alternate names A. Motamedinasab, Amin Motamedinasab
Institution Technical and Vocational University
Past institutions Technical and Vocational University, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
H-index: 3
I10-index: 1
Works count: 11
Citations count: 30
Even and odd coherent states of supersymmetric harmonic oscillators and their nonclassical properties
2016 · Davood Afshar, Amin Motamedinasab, et al. · International Journal of Modern Physics B
Superposed graphene coherent states
2020 · Amin Motamedinasab, Azam Anbaraki · Chinese Journal of Physics
Entanglement and non-classical properties of generalized supercoherent states
2017 · Amin Motamedinasab, Davood Afshar, et al. · Optik