A. Saghafi
Alternate names Amin Saghafi, A. Saghafi, Saghafi Amin
Institution University of Birjand
Past institutions University of Birjand, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
H-index: 5
I10-index: 5
Works count: 12
Citations count: 301
Global bifurcation and chaos analysis in nonlinear vibration of spur gear systems
2013 · Anooshiravan Farshidianfar, A. Saghafi · Nonlinear Dynamics
An analytical study of controlling chaotic dynamics in a spur gear system
2015 · A. Saghafi, Anooshiravan Farshidianfar · Mechanism and Machine Theory
Active vibration isolation of machinery and sensitive equipment using H ∞ control criterion and particle swarm optimization method
2011 · Anooshiravan Farshidianfar, A. Saghafi, et al. · Meccanica