Igor Djurović
Alternate names I.O. Djurovic, I. Djurović, I. Djurovic, Igor Djurović, Igor Djurovic
Institution University of Montenegro
Past institutions University of Montenegro, Lodz University of Technology, York University, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Elektro Ljubljana (Slovenia)
H-index: 34
I10-index: 96
Works count: 240
Citations count: 5,304
Time–frequency feature representation using energy concentration: An overview of recent advances
2008 · Ervin Sejdić, Igor Djurović, et al. · Digital Signal Processing
Fractional Fourier transform as a signal processing tool: An overview of recent developments
2010 · Ervin Sejdić, Igor Djurović, et al. · Signal Processing
An algorithm for the Wigner distribution based instantaneous frequency estimation in a high noise environment
2004 · Igor Djurović, Ljubiša Stanković · Signal Processing