Andrés Márquez
Alternate names André Márquez, Andrés Márquez Ruíz, A.. Marquez, Andrés Márquez, Andrés Marquez +14 more
Institution Auburn University
Past institutions University of Alicante, Auburn University, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid +5 more
H-index: 39
I10-index: 134
Works count: 518
Citations count: 5,672
Time fluctuations of the phase modulation in a liquid crystal on silicon display: characterization and effects in diffractive optics
2008 · Ángel Lizana, Ignacio Moreno, et al. · Optics Express
Quantitative prediction of the modulation behavior of twisted nematic liquid crystal displays based on a simple physical model
2001 · Andrés Márquez, Claudio Iemmi, et al. · Optical Engineering
Analytical approximations for the period of a nonlinear pendulum
2006 · Augusto Beléndez, A. Hernández, et al. · European Journal of Physics