Floriane Anstett
Alternate names F. Anstett, Floriane Anstett
Institutions Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Past institutions Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Université de Lorraine
H-index: 7
I10-index: 6
Works count: 12
Citations count: 154
Chaotic Cryptosystems: Cryptanalysis and Identifiability
2006 · Floriane Anstett, Gilles Millérioux, et al. · IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I Fundamental Theory and Applications
Polytopic Observer Design for LPV Systems Based on Minimal Convex Polytope Finding
2009 · Floriane Anstett, Gilles Millérioux, et al. · Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology
Considering the attractor structure of chaotic maps for observer-based synchronization problems
2004 · Gilles Millérioux, Floriane Anstett, et al. · Mathematics and Computers in Simulation