Khaled Zehar
Alternate names K. Zehar, Khaled Zehar ., Khaled Zehar
Institution University of Bahrain
Past institutions University of Bahrain, University Ferhat Abbas of Setif, Clarkson University
H-index: 11
I10-index: 12
Works count: 34
Citations count: 726
Modified differential evolution algorithm for optimal power flow with non-smooth cost functions
2008 · Samir Sayah, Khaled Zehar · Energy Conversion and Management
Optimal power flow with environmental constraint using a fast successive linear programming algorithm: Application to the algerian power system
2008 · Khaled Zehar, Samir Sayah · Energy Conversion and Management
Efficient Load Flow Method for Radial Distribution Feeders
2006 · Abdellatif Hamouda, Khaled Zehar · Journal of Applied Sciences