Athanasios Kyriazis
Alternate names Athanasios Kyriazis, A. Kyriazis
Institution Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Past institutions IMEC, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Imec the Netherlands, Ghent University, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
H-index: 3
Works count: 24
Citations count: 25
On The Spectra Of Topological A Tensor Product A Algebras
1983 · Athanasios Kyriazis · The Yokohama mathematical journal = 横濱市立大學紀要. D部門, 数学
Fibre tensor product bundles
1985 · Bernard R. Gelbaum, Athanasios Kyriazis · Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Tensor products of function algebras
1987 · Athanasios Kyriazis · Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society