Miguel V. Carriegos
Alternate names Miguel V. Carriegos, Miguel Carriegos Vieira, M. V. Carriegos, Miguel Vieira, Miguel Carriegos +3 more
Institution Universidad de León
Past institutions Universidad de León, Universidad de León, ORCID, University of Castilla-La Mancha, King's College London +3 more
H-index: 8
I10-index: 6
Works count: 87
Citations count: 252
Effect of the Sampling of a Dataset in the Hyperparameter Optimization Phase over the Efficiency of a Machine Learning Algorithm
2019 · Noemí DeCastro‐García, Ángel Luis Muñoz Castañeda, et al. · Complexity
The pointwise feedback relation for linear dynamical systems
1998 · Miguel V. Carriegos, José A. Hermida-Alonso, et al. · Linear Algebra and its Applications
Meta‐information about MARC: an XML framework for validation, explanation and help systems
2004 · Joaquim Ramos de Carvalho, Maria Inês Cordeiro, et al. · Library Hi Tech