Th. Yu. Popelensky
Alternate names Th. Yu. Popelensky, T.Y. Popelensky, Th. Popelensky
Institution Lomonosov Moscow State University
Past institutions Lomonosov Moscow State University, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Moscow State University
H-index: 5
I10-index: 2
Works count: 20
Citations count: 53
Sensing of H2O in D2O: is there an easy way?
2019 · Lyubov O. Tcelykh, Vladislava Yu. Kozhevnikova, et al. · The Analyst
How does the ligand affect the sensitivity of the luminescent thermometers based on Tb–Eu complexes
2020 · Th. Yu. Popelensky, Valentina V. Utochnikova · Dalton Transactions
On monomial bases in the mod p Steenrod algebra
2014 · D. Yu. Emelyanov, Th. Yu. Popelensky · Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications