Wei‐Shien Hwang
Alternate names Wei‐Shien Hwang, W. S. Hwang
Past institutions National Taiwan University, National Health Research Institutes, Christ University, National Taiwan Ocean University, University of Iowa
H-index: 13
I10-index: 17
Works count: 36
Citations count: 478
Sloshing behaviours of rectangular and cylindrical liquid tanks subjected to harmonic and seismic excitations
2007 · Yung‐Hsiang Chen, Wei‐Shien Hwang, et al. · Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics
Hypersingular boundary integral equations for exterior acoustic problems
1997 · Wei‐Shien Hwang · The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Flexibility of TLD to high-rise building by simple experiment and comparison
1995 · Yi‐Hau Chen, Wei‐Shien Hwang, et al. · Computers & Structures