Thomas Leroy
Alternate names Thomas Leroy, T. Leroy, Leroy Thomas, L. R. Thomas
Institution IFP Énergies nouvelles
Past institutions IFP Énergies nouvelles, Centre Hospitalier de Valenciennes, Laboratoire d'Informatique et d'Automatique pour les Systèmes, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, Institut Français +1 more
H-index: 9
I10-index: 9
Works count: 47
Citations count: 315
Modeling Fresh Air Charge and Residual Gas Fraction on a Dual Independent Variable Valve Timing SI Engine
2008 · Thomas Leroy, Alix Guillaume, et al. · SAE International Journal of Engines
Motion planning for experimental air path control of a variable-valve-timing spark ignition engine
2008 · Thomas Leroy, Jonathan Chauvin, et al. · Control Engineering Practice
Towards real-time optimal energy management of HEV powertrains using stochastic dynamic programming
2012 · Thomas Leroy, Jérémy Malaizé, et al.