Mrinal Juddoo
Alternate names Mrinal Juddoo, M. Juddoo
Institutions University of Technology Sydney, The University of Sydney
Past institutions The University of Sydney, University of Technology Sydney, Imperial College London
H-index: 12
I10-index: 14
Works count: 25
Citations count: 449
Visualization of blow-off events in bluff-body stabilized turbulent premixed flames
2010 · James R. Dawson, Robert L. Gordon, et al. · Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
High-speed OH-PLIF imaging of extinction and re-ignition in non-premixed flames with various levels of oxygenation
2011 · Mrinal Juddoo, Assaad R. Masri · Combustion and Flame
Structure of igniting ethanol and n-heptane spray flames with and without swirl
2012 · Camille Letty, Epaminondas Mastorakos, et al. · Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science