Ahmed El-Sawy
Alternate names Arwa Elsawy, Ahmed A. Elsawy, Ahmed El‐Sawy, Ahmed Ahmed El‐Sawy, A. El‐Sawy +5 more
Institution October University of Modern Sciences and Arts
Past institutions Benha University, October University of Modern Sciences and Arts, Delta Air Lines (United States), Agricultural Genetic Engineering Research Institute, Qassim University +5 more
H-index: 18
I10-index: 29
Works count: 101
Citations count: 1,496
CNN for Handwritten Arabic Digits Recognition Based on LeNet-5
2016 · Ahmed El-Sawy, Hazem M. El‐Bakry, et al. · Advances in intelligent systems and computing
Novel quaternary ammonium hydroxide cationic surfactants as corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel and as biocides for sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB)
2010 · A. M. Badawi, M.A. Hegazy, et al. · Materials Chemistry and Physics
Arabic Handwritten Characters Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Network
2017 · Ahmed El-Sawy, Mohamed Loey, et al. · WSEAS Transactions on Computers archive