Leon A. Luxemburg
Alternate names L. A. Luxemburg, Leon Luxemburg, L. Luxemburg, Leon A. Luxemburg
Institution Texas A&M University at Galveston
Past institutions Texas A&M University at Galveston, Fairmont State University, Texas A&M University, Rice University
H-index: 4
I10-index: 1
Works count: 17
Citations count: 38
On the number of unstable equilibria of a class of nonlinear systems
1987 · Leon A. Luxemburg, Garng Huang
Frequency analysis of time-varying periodic linear systems by using modulop transforms and its applications to the computer-aided analysis of switched networks
1990 · Leon A. Luxemburg · Circuits Systems and Signal Processing
Generalized Morse theory and its applications to control and stability analysis
1991 · Leon A. Luxemburg, G. Huang · Circuits Systems and Signal Processing