Niels Schwartz
Alternate names N. Schwartz, Niels Schwartz, N.‐J. Schwartz
Institution University of Passau
Past institutions University of Passau, Louisiana State University, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, University of Regensburg, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
H-index: 16
I10-index: 20
Works count: 89
Citations count: 663
The basic theory of real closed spaces
1989 · Niels Schwartz · Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Elementary properties of minimal and maximal points in Zariski spectra
2009 · Niels Schwartz, Marcus Tressl · Journal of Algebra
Positivity, sums of squares and the multi-dimensional moment problem II
2005 · Salma Kuhlmann, M. Marshall, et al. · Advances in Geometry