Ana D. Tarrío-Tobar
Alternate names A. Tarrío, Ana D. Tarrío‐Tobar, Ana D. Tarrío, A. D. Tarrío‐Tobar, A. Tarrio +5 more
Institution Universidade da Coruña
Past institutions Universidade da Coruña, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Universitat de València
H-index: 4
Works count: 40
Citations count: 41
Classification of the relative positions between a circular hyperboloid of one sheet and a sphere
2018 · Miguel Brozos‐Vázquez, M. J. Pereira‐Sáez, et al. · Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
A method for the resolution of the Jacobi equation Y″ + RY = 0 on the manifold Sp(2)/SU(2)
2008 · A. M. Naveira, Ana D. Tarrío-Tobar · Monatshefte für Mathematik
Two problems on h -convex sets in the hyperbolic space
1997 · A. M. Naveira, Ana D. Tarrío-Tobar · Archiv der Mathematik