Juan Campos
Alternate names J. M. Campos, Juan Manuel García Campos, Juan Campos, Juan Manuel Campos, J. Campos +1 more
Institution University of Alabama at Birmingham
Past institutions University of Alabama at Birmingham, Universidad de Granada, Universidad de Huelva, Hospital Arnau de Vilanova, Universidad de Valladolid +5 more
H-index: 21
I10-index: 35
Works count: 94
Citations count: 1,319
Active body surface warming systems for preventing complications caused by inadvertent perioperative hypothermia in adults
2016 · Eva Madrid, Gerard Urrútia, et al. · Cochrane library
Alboran Sea late cenozoic tectonic and stratigraphic evolution
1992 · Andrés Maldonado, A. C. Campillo, et al. · Geo-Marine Letters
Structure and kinematics of the South Iberian paleomargin and its relationship with the Flysch Trough units: extensional tectonics within the Gibraltar Arc fold-and-thrust belt (western Betics)
2001 · Ana Crespo‐Blanc, Juan Campos · Journal of Structural Geology