Marzieh Shams Yousefi
Alternate names M. Shams Yousefi, Marzieh Shams Yousefi
Institution University of Guilan
Past institutions University of Guilan, Tarbiat Modares University
H-index: 2
Works count: 17
Citations count: 11
Complete order amenability of the Fourier algebra
2010 · Marzieh Shams Yousefi, Massoud Amini, et al. · Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Order Structure of the Figà-Talamanca-Herz Algebra
2011 · Marzieh Shams Yousefi, Massoud Amini, et al. · ISRN Geometry
A note on the $p$-operator space structure of the $p$-analog of the Fourier-Stieltjes algebra
2020 · Mohammad Ali Ahmadpoor, Marzieh Shams Yousefi · arXiv (Cornell University)