Michael S. Kolansky
Alternate names M. S. Kolansky, Michael S. Kolansky
Institution City University of New York
Past institutions City University of New York, City College of New York
H-index: 3
I10-index: 1
Works count: 4
Citations count: 36
Mass transport around two spheres at low Reynolds numbers
1974 · Karamat Aminzadeh, Tarek Taha, et al. · International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
An approximate theory for incompressible viscous flow past two-dimensional bluff bodies in the intermediate Reynolds number regime O(1) < Re < O(102)
1976 · Sheldon Weinbaum, Michael S. Kolansky, et al. · Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Studies in fluid mechanics
1976 · Michael S. Kolansky