Kazuki Morimoto
Alternate name Kazuki Morimoto
Institution Kobe University
Past institutions Kobe University, Kyoto University, Osaka City University
H-index: 5
I10-index: 1
Works count: 21
Citations count: 79
Refined global Gross–Prasad conjecture on special Bessel periods and Böcherer’s conjecture
2020 · Masaaki Furusawa, Kazuki Morimoto · Journal of the European Mathematical Society
On special Bessel periods and the Gross-Prasad conjecture for SO(2n + 1) × SO(2)
2016 · Masaaki Furusawa, Kazuki Morimoto
On the irreducibility of global descents for even unitary groups and its applications
2016 · Kazuki Morimoto · Transactions of the American Mathematical Society