Vicenţiu Paşol
Alternate names Vicentiu Pasol, V. Pasol, Vicenţiu Pașol, Vicenţiu Paşol
Institution Romanian Academy
Past institutions Romanian Academy, Ministerul Cercetării și Inovării, University of Bucharest
H-index: 5
I10-index: 3
Works count: 37
Citations count: 115
Modular forms and period polynomials
2013 · Vicenţiu Paşol, Alexandru A. Popa · Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
Pair correlation of angles between reciprocal geodesics on the modular surface
2014 · Florin P. Boca, Vicenţiu Paşol, et al. · Algebra & Number Theory
Spectral norms on valued fields
2001 · Vicenţiu Paşol, Angel Popescu, et al. · Mathematische Zeitschrift