Songbai Wang
Alternate names Song‐bai Wang, Songbai Wang, Wang Songbai, Wang Song‐bai
Institution Chongqing Three Gorges University
Past institutions Chongqing Three Gorges University, Shenzhen Pingle Orthopedic Hospital, Shanxi University, Janssen (United States), Johnson & Johnson (United States) +5 more
H-index: 14
I10-index: 14
Works count: 65
Citations count: 819
Circulating tumor cells predict progression free survival and overall survival in patients with relapsed/recurrent advanced ovarian cancer
2011 · Andrés Poveda, Stanley B. Kaye, et al. · Gynecologic Oncology
Evaluation of GSTP1 and APC methylation as indicators for repeat biopsy in a high‐risk cohort of men with negative initial prostate biopsies
2011 · Bruce J. Trock, Michelle Brotzman, et al. · BJU International
Weak Hardy-Type Spaces Associated with Ball Quasi-Banach Function Spaces II: Littlewood–Paley Characterizations and Real Interpolation
2019 · Songbai Wang, Dachun Yang, et al. · Journal of Geometric Analysis