Moshe Zofi
Alternate name Moshe Zofi
Institution Sapir College
Past institutions Sapir College, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
H-index: 4
I10-index: 3
Works count: 11
Citations count: 86
Single machine scheduling with controllable processing times and an unavailability period to minimize the makespan
2018 · Dvir Shabtay, Moshe Zofi · International Journal of Production Economics
Multiagent visual area coverage using a new genetic algorithm selection scheme
2005 · Helman I. Stern, Yoash Chassidim, et al. · European Journal of Operational Research
Bi-criteria path problem with minimum length and maximum survival probability
2018 · Nir Halman, Mikhail Y. Kovalyov, et al. · OR Spectrum