Albert Stralka
Alternate names A. Stralka, Albert R. Stralka, Albert Stralka, A. R. Stralka
Institution University of California, Riverside
Past institutions University of California, Riverside, University of California System, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Pennsylvania State University, University of Houston +5 more
H-index: 9
I10-index: 8
Works count: 44
Citations count: 355
The Pontryagin Duality of Compact O-Dimensional Semilattices and its Applications
1974 · Karl H. Hofmann, Michael Mislove, et al. · Lecture notes in mathematics
Compact, distributive lattices of finite breadth
1970 · Kirby A. Baker, Albert Stralka · Pacific Journal of Mathematics
The congruence extension property for compact topological lattices
1971 · Albert Stralka · Pacific Journal of Mathematics