C. Atkinson
Alternate names Clare A. Atkinson, C. P. Atkinson, C. Atkinson, Colin Atkinson
Institution Imperial College London
Past institutions Imperial College London, Schlumberger (United Kingdom), University of Cambridge, Imperial Valley College, University of Wollongong +5 more
H-index: 41
I10-index: 111
Works count: 285
Citations count: 5,662
Combined mode fracture via the cracked Brazilian disk test
1982 · C. Atkinson, Ronald Smelser, et al. · International Journal of Fracture
Effect of overlying water pH, dissolved oxygen, salinity and sediment disturbances on metal release and sequestration from metal contaminated marine sediments
2007 · C. Atkinson, Dianne F. Jolley, et al. · Chemosphere
The flow of energy into the tip of a moving crack
1968 · C. Atkinson, J. D. Eshelby · International Journal of Fracture Mechanics