Man Qi
Alternate names Mingjun Qi, M. Qi, Manli Qi, Qi Man, Man Qi
Institution Zhejiang Gongshang University
Past institutions Zhejiang Gongshang University, Canterbury Christ Church University, University of Oxford, Puyang Vocational and Technical College, Wuhan University of Science and Technology +5 more
H-index: 12
I10-index: 21
Works count: 92
Citations count: 791
Improved adaptive genetic algorithm for the vehicle Insurance Fraud Identification Model based on a BP Neural Network
2019 · Chun Yan, Meixuan Li, et al. · Theoretical Computer Science
A MapReduce based parallel SVM for large scale spam filtering
2011 · Godwin Caruana, Maozhen Li, et al.
MapReduce Based Parallel Neural Networks in Enabling Large Scale Machine Learning
2015 · Yang Liu, Jie Yang, et al. · Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience