Berta Gamboa de Buen
Alternate names Berta Gamboa de Buen, B. Gamboa de Buen
Institution Mathematics Research Center
Past institution Mathematics Research Center
H-index: 4
I10-index: 2
Works count: 25
Citations count: 86
The James Forest
1997 · Helga Fetter, Berta Gamboa de Buen, et al.
Banach spaces with a basis that are hereditarily asymptotically isometric to and the fixed point property
2009 · Helga Fetter, Berta Gamboa de Buen · Nonlinear Analysis
Banach spaces which are somewhat uniformly noncreasy
2003 · Helga Fetter, Berta Gamboa de Buen, et al. · Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications