Partha Sarathi Debnath
Alternate names Partha Sarathi Debnath, P. S. Debnath, P. S Debnath
Institution North Bengal University
Past institution North Bengal University
H-index: 6
I10-index: 4
Works count: 20
Citations count: 141
Accelerating universe in modified theories of gravity
2009 · Bikash Chandra Paul, Partha Sarathi Debnath, et al. · Physical review. D. Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology/Physical review. D, Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology
Viscous cosmologies with variableΛin higher derivative gravity
2007 · Partha Sarathi Debnath, Bikash Chandra Paul, et al. · Physical review. D. Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology/Physical review. D, Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology
Bulk viscous cosmological model in f(R,T) theory of gravity
2018 · Partha Sarathi Debnath · International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics