Kazimierz Wiertelak
Alternate names Kazimierz Wiertelak, K. Wiertelak
Institution Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Past institutions Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics
H-index: 6
I10-index: 3
Works count: 18
Citations count: 104
On the density of some sets of primes III
1983 · Kazimierz Wiertelak · Birkhäuser Basel eBooks
Oscillations of a given size of some arithmetic error terms
2009 · Jerzy Kaczorowski, Kazimierz Wiertelak · Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
Oscillations of the remainder term related to the Euler totient function
2010 · Jerzy Kaczorowski, Kazimierz Wiertelak · Journal of Number Theory